Tuesday, May 17, 2011



A Communiqué of
& Cornerstone Community Development Corp., Inc.
1819 Martin Luther King, Jr. Blvd., Dallas, TX  75215
Post Office Box 152551, Dallas, TX  75315
Phone (214) 426-5468 / Fax (214) 426-0512
www.cornerstonedallas.org / cls12345@aol.com

Dear Friends:

As always, we thank you so much for your continued support of Cornerstone’s effort to reach out to the residents in the South Dallas/Fair Park community. Your partnership with us is very much appreciated and has made it possible for us to touch various segments of the neighborhood by sharing God’s love in tangible ways.  Cornerstone’s outreach to the children, youth, elderly, homeless, and the formerly incarcerated is made possible because of your generosity and it is our hope that this newsletter will inform you how you are helping us to make a difference by restoring hope.  If your schedule should ever allow, we invite you to come and tour the facilities and hear more how you are helping us help others.


During SPRING BREAK 2011, five mission team from Texas, Arkansas, and Wyoming provided Bible clubs at the Cornerstone Church and five additional locations.  The other gatherings were held on vacant lots, recreation centers and school playgrounds.  On the first day, 125 children attended and the second day, there were over 250 children with the numbers continuing to grow throughout the weeks reaching a final total of about 375.  Along with providing Bible club, crafts, recreation, and lunch, volunteers worked to sort children clothing that were distributed to children in attendance.  To view some of the mission teams highlights from the week, please click on the following links:  http://www.facebook.com/home.php#!/profile.php?id=750298181 and http://www.facebook.com/ed.tharp?ref=ts#!/video/video.php?v=1501361354495.  Again, we thank our mission teams for spending their Spring Break with us at Cornerstone, thus touching the lives of many neighborhood children and youth.

HOMEWORK CENTER/AFTER SCHOOL TUTORING (www.reach4hope.com) provides afterschool tutoring and homework assistance for about 13 children from the community. Several of the students have parents who are working or otherwise unable to assist them with homework assignments.   Realizing that many of the children were failing in school and this was partly due to the lack of completing homework assignments or having someone to review the day’s school work, the Homework Center was born.  This ministry provides a true safe haven for neighborhood students kindergarten through 8th grade from 3PM to 6PM Tuesday through Thursday during the Dallas ISD school year.  The mission is to create a caring, nurturing environment where we focus on building character, teaching skills, encouraging effort, and promoting the desire to learn and persevere for the purpose of gaining the tools that lead to a successful, blessed life.  A number of volunteers come from Dallas Baptist University, Southern Methodist University Law School, Louisiana State University and Texas Tech University.  They greet the children, share a meal, discuss their day at school, tackle homework assignments, and then have some recreation time.  Volunteers who have a heart to serve children are always welcomed.

Suzanne Tranhan, one of the founders, recently provided this update:

In the past 4 months we have seen marked positive increase in the children - longer focus and attention time to their work, more cooperation and enjoyment of one another (as they learn to build inside THEIR community), higher value placed on personal work ethic, accountability and FINISHING, deeper trusting relationships with adults that truly care for them, and a hunger to learn and expand more of their world.  We still have a long way to go, but we are thrilled with the progress.

CHAMPIONS OF HOPE MENTORING (www.championsofhopedallas.org) is in its fourth year of providing matches at Charles Rice Elementary Schools and has plans to expand to another South Dallas school this Fall. The results of matching children with someone to champion their efforts has resulted in better performance in the classrooms and allowing the children to see a broader perspective of possibilities in life.  Volunteers not only provide special outings for the participants also but they serve together in community outreaches and teach the importance of “giving back”.   If you are interested in mentoring, please be sure to visit our website that will provide additional information.        ​​            ​

SUMMER P.L.U.S. DAY CAMP will be held from June 6th – July 29th for children in grades 1st – 6th.   The camp provides a free and safe place for neighborhood children to come have fun, enrich their reading skills, and learn more about the Bible.  Breakfast, lunch and snacks are served.  Thankfully, mission teams from across the country come and assist youth who are employed by the church in administering this program.

Some of the needs for this year’s Summer program are sporting equipment, small prizes that are used as incentives, gifts for the summer end – Christmas in July celebration, salary supplement for the increased utilities and summer director’s position.   If you desire to volunteer or would like to make a donation, please contact the church’s office at (214) 426-5468 or info@cornerstonedallas.org.


MARTHA’S OUTREACH has truly grown since its inception nearly a year ago.  Staring in one apartment unit as an outreach to assist women who are re-entering the South Dallas community after prison, volunteers have been working this week to make ready a third apartment unit at the Cornerstone Care Center in order to receive more women.  Women who are available to mentor other women as they make this transition are needed, if you can assist; please contact Pansy Clemon @ paustin830@aol.com.

PHILEMON’S OUTREACH (www.trinityrestoration.org) has plans to expand the outreach to men returning to the community after prison from nine to 50 beds.  The renovation of the recently acquired apartment complex in the community continues to move forward with many mission teams providing time and raising funds for materials.  Skilled labor construction teams, men who would like to mentor men in prison and assist with their transition out of prison is still needed. If you can assist, please contact Richard “Chico” Smith @ ibredeemed04@yahoo.com.


ROCK’S MEDICAL OUTREACH (www.rmo.org) continues to see patients every Tuesday from 10 AM to 2 PM at the Cornerstone Care Center.  The goal of the outreach is to dispense love, compassion, and hope to the less fortunate through providing quality medical care, medicines, and medical supplies in the US and developing nations without charge.  RMO strives to connect and assist with other organizations to combine resources toward the common theme of helping the uncared-for in the world.  In the course of reaching out, RMO and other like organizations, hope to improve and change each life one person at a time, to aid and encourage each person in becoming improved productive members of their individual society.  Because of the increased demand for the need of the services of RMO, Dr. Joe Nawrocki is working with other physicians to expand the days of operation.  If you are available to assist, you may contact Carolyn Stone @ cbstone1@verizon.net.

DENTAL AND EYE GLASS CLINIC the transformation of apartment # 103 at the Cornerstone Care Center is nearing completion.  Once finished, this apartment unit will house the dental and eye glass clinic made possible by the members of Lake Pointe Church (www.lakepointe.org).  Dentist who might be able to provide one day of service a month are greatly needed.  To volunteer or for more information, please contact Larry Bickel @ larryb@lakepointe.org.


CORNERSTONE CROSSROADS ACADEMY (www.cornerstonecrossroads.com) was established because each year many at-risk students in South Dallas choose to drop out of school rather than face another day of confusion and disappointment. Their dream of a high school diploma evaporates and no one seems to care. Cornerstone Crossroads Academy welcomes these students and invites them to try again.
Cornerstone Crossroads Academy is a private, faith-based school ministering to the needs of high school students who have not succeeded in the public school system. Our goal is to provide an excellent education while exposing students to the hope and abundant life found in Christ and to help them become the young men and women that God designed them to be.


On most Saturday mornings, Laywanna Taylor, a Cornerstone member, coordinates volunteers to serve at the Park Manor Apartments, a facility owned by the Dallas Housing Authority.  Although a great lunch is serve, many residents look forward to the opportunity to fellowship with volunteers from our partner churches and organization as they engage in hymn sings, conversation, and often a game of bingo.  If you desire to assist, please contact Laywanna @ laywanna@sbcglobal.net.


CORNERSTONE KITCHEN is made possible with the help of faithful volunteers and contributors, Cornerstone continues to provide seven meals each week to the homeless.  A total of about 6,000 meals are served each month.  It is through this ministry that many relationships are built allowing Cornerstone make the homeless population aware of other resources that might be available to assist them.  Some of the current and on-going needs are:
* Corn, Green Beans, Pork and Beans, Ranch Style Beans, Pasta, Spaghetti Sauce, Rice
* Syrofoam Plates and Cup and Plastic Forks and Spoons
* Sugar, Coffee and Cream, Powder or Concentrated Drinks
* Dish Washing Liquid, Bleach, Disposal Gloves, Trash Bags (Heavy Duty)
* Napkins, Aluminum Foil, Plastic Wrap, Scrubbing Pads
* Butter, Seasoning Salt, Gravy Mix Packets, Salt & Pepper (packets)

Current serving times:  Sunday 7:00 AM and 3:00 PM; Tuesday/Thursday -12:30 PM and 7:30 PM; Wednesday – 6:00 PM
And Saturday – 11:00 AM and 4:00 PM

CLOTHING PANTRY/SHOWER COMPLEX open every Thursday and Saturday and staffed by volunteers from partners churches and organizations.  Neighborhoods are able to choose outfits every 30 days and the showers are available to anyone whenever the facility is open.  There is the on-going need for belts, jeans, athletic shoes, socks, undergarments, and toiletry items. 

BELOVED – WOMEN’S COMMUNITY MINISTRY meets every Thursday at 9:30 AM at the Cornerstone “White House” at 1825 South Boulevard.  Volunteers from various churches meet with women from shelters and the streets to provide a Bible study, prayer, counseling, and HOPE!  Over the past three years, this outreach has grown from two women to well over 40 in attendance each week.


Saturday, August 20th
10:00 AM to 12:00 Noon

In preparation for this event, Cornerstone is collecting backpacks and school supplies.
The goal is to serve 750 children this year.  Donations may be dropped off at:
1819 Martin Luther King, Jr. Blvd.
Dallas, Texas  75215

If you desire to make a tax deductible contribution to the on-going support of Cornerstone’s Outreach to the South Dallas/Fair Park community, you may send you donation to:

DALLAS, TEXAS  75315-2551

You also visit us by logging on to www.cornerstonedallas.org.

DALLAS TX  75215

Phone:​(214) 426-5468
FAX:​(214) 426-0512

Wednesday, May 11, 2011

"Pure Religion..." from Steve Deere

Good Morning All,

The book of James tells us that "pure religion is this...to care for orphans and widows in their distress and to keep oneself from being polluted by the world".  (James 1:27)

A few weeks ago, Gary and Charlotte Moreau set up a service opportunity for our class to serve the ladies of Genesis Women's shelter by providing lunch to them and simply ministering to them through relationship and conversation for a few hours.  Four families from our class took part in this, and it was a huge blessing to all involved.

Genesis Women's Shelter is a Christ centered home for abused and addicted women based just this side of Kaufman.  They house up to 40 women at a time, along with some of their children.  Most of the women come from a background of extreme abuse by spouses, parents, or just the world in general.  Many have a history of substance abuse and addiction and homelessness.  All have a very real need for Jesus in their lives.  Genesis offers them this.  As the name implies, Genesis gives them a new beginning by giving them a safe environment to recuperate, develop a relationship with Christ, and escape their current situation, whatever that may be.  The program at Genesis is very strict, with the intent of pushing these ladies toward self sufficiency and helping them break free from their past.  The ladies must commit to a one year program and must adhere to very strict rules and guidelines.  If they are unwilling to do so, they are not allowed to stay. 

The ladies we visited with were unanimous in proclaiming the change in their lives that has come with a new found relationship with Jesus.  We heard several testimonies that were incredible.  One lady came to Genesis a few years ago from an abusive husband and was a meth addict.  She went through the year long program, and it so changed her life that she went on to get a certification in counseling and ministry and she now works at Genesis as a "house mom", along with a few other similar shelters in the DFW area.

What a blessing seeing and hearing these stories were to those of us that were there.  We that attended were united in our desire to do more for these ladies and assist them on their journey.  Two things that immediately came up was the ladies desire to attend our church and our class and some basic necessities.  Being in the home pretty much 24/7, they have limited ability to form relationships with others.  They especially could use relationships with those who may be further in their spiritual walk.  That's where we come in. 

Gary and I have worked it out with the director of Genesis to allow the ladies to attend church and our class once a month.  We will reserve church vans to go pick them up and take them back.  The first time we will be doing this will coincide with our next potluck on May 28, which just so happens to be our rescheduled "Party in the Parking Lot" burger cookout. 

What we would need from you is this:

  1)  a willingness to provide extra food for our guests
  2) a willingness to engage these ladies in friendship and Christian camaraderie
  3)  a willingness to help with transportation on occasion should we decide to do this on a monthly basis
The second thing that they mentioned was a lack of basic needs, such as shampoo, soap, and general toiletries.  In a word, they run short on these each month.  This is a mission based, non-profit organization, so funds and supplies run short on occasion.  What I would like to do is target this day that they will be visiting, May 28, for our class to donate travel sized shampoos, soaps, skin care, toothpaste, whatever.  We all have them laying around our house from trips we have taken.  If you could please make a note to bring them that night, we will deliver them to Pastor Nancy, the director of the shelter.

Brothers and Sisters, there is no better ministry opportunity I can think of for us to commit to partnering with.  This is where the rubber meets the road.  Jesus said it best in
Matthew 25:40  when he said  "whatever you have done for the least of these brothers of mine (the poor, the hungry, the thirsty, the unclothed, and the strangers), you have done for me".

More to come on this later, but please start praying about what role you are willing to play in serving these ladies.

In Christ,
